Entries by chigbu

Private Health Facilities Association of Ghana appreciates Cassona Global Imaging for sponsorship of AGM 2022

Private Health Facilities Association of Ghana appreciates Cassona Global Imaging for sponsorship of AGM 2022 The Chief Executive Cassona Global Imaging Ltd. Company Accra. Dear Sir, APPRECIATION OF SPONSORSHIP OF PHFAoG AGC 2022 The entire leadership and members of Private Health Facilities Association of Ghana (PHFAoG) nationwide wish to express our sincerest gratitude to your esteemed company […]

Cassona Global Imaging Announces Appointment of General Manager

Cassona Global Imaging Announces Appointment of General Manager (Accra, December 01, 2022)  Cassona Global Imaging Ltd Company (“Cassona” or, the “Company”) is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Jonathan Semetey as General Manager for the Company. Mr. Semetey will be responsible for executing the Company’s strategy, alongside senior management, in respect of key relationship […]

Export Import Bank of the US Discontinues Financing of PPE Exports from the US

The Export-Import (Exim) Bank of the United States has temporarily withdrawn all financing support for exports of “critical medical equipment” and supplies needed to fight the coronavirus. This restriction is effective from April 15, 2020 until September 30, 2020.   The exclusion order applies to all its loans, loan guarantees, and insurance products covering the following […]

FDA publishes a new list of Approved Chinese Manufacturers of Respirators

On April 13, the FDA published a new list of approved manufacturers. Specifically, the list shows “Authorized Imported, Non-NIOSH Approved Respirators Manufacturers in China”. https://www.fda.gov/media/136663/download. This new authorization builds on or expands on  the FDA Emergency Use Authorization letter of April 3. https://www.fda.gov/media/136664/download. These new approvals is a welcome development because of the price-gauging that has been […]